Monday 21 July 2008

Loud and Clear

Today we are off to the hearing centre to discuss hearing devices for nathan. Feels like it is yet another thing to contend with. It is too important though to delay getting this sorted. He needs to be hearing clearly so tht his speech can develop. He is delayed in his speech anyway and doesn't need any hinderances. He is hearing and understanding some things as his signing is improving. He knows and understands over 25 words/phrases. It should be much more for his age but I stil feel proud and pleased that he knows that many.

No idea how he will keep a hearing device in place but we can only give it a go. We may have to get grommits inserted down the track but until then we'll give this a go and continue with osteopathic treatment to see if we can get some fluid draining. Given his history grommits may not be a good long term solution at his age and also we are not keen on putting him under anaesthetic unless it is crucial due to his respiratory condition.

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