Friday, 25 July 2008

Hearing Aides and Headbands

We had the first meeting with Australian hearing. Back next Monday to get the hearing aides. Nathan will get bone conductive hearing aides. No idea how we will keep the headband on his head. I've been trying in short bursts. Today was the most successful. It was difficult to find a headband that wasn't too girly with ballerina written on it. We found a couple and Grandma found a couple also. She also made some. As it is winter I have asked her to knit a headband for Nathan.

I am not looking forward to people potentially calling him a girl because he is wearing a headband. I suppose it doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things and I can always tell them it is for his hearing aides if I'm in the mood to educate. Had some strange looks from people in the shops when I said I was looking for a headband for my son until I told them what it was for.


Angela said...

I could imagine how difficult it would be for Nathan to try not to pull his headband off.

Thank goodness for Nanas and terrific knitting skills!

I'm so sorry for the delay but I've finally added you to the This Is blog roll, I hope you can still play along!

Angela xx

nicole said...

ta, i,e been very tardy in my responses. I'll get in the swing of things before too long.